The Adjust-A-Wings reflectors original design combines cutting edge science with biological beauty & simplicity to create a reflector system of unparalled performance and versatility.
Availability: Medium and Large Enforcer with or without a Super Spreader or Medium and Large Avenger with a Super Spreader.
The Adjust-A-Wings reflector can be adjusted to wide settings and positioned incredibly close to plants for maximum light transferal (growing power) and area coverage. Alternatively, the wings may be adjusted to more narrow settings and positioned further from plants to suit the light and heat requirements of more sensitive plants or plant stages.
Get twice the power and efficiency of most other reflectors on the market, increase the growing area under each lamp by up to 75% and increase yield per lamp by up to 50%.
The Enforcer is a cost effective reflector using high quality reflective anodised aluminium. Choose from 2 sizes;
Medium for 250w-600w lights (70cm x 55cm overall dimensions at widest setting)
Large for 1000w lights (100cm x 70cm overall dimensions at widest setting)
The Avenger is a more expensive option and uses 97% reflective glass coated super alloy, this will not corrode nor loose reflectivity over time. Choose from 2 sizes:
Medium for 250-600w lights (70cm x 55cm overall dimensions at widest setting)
Large for 1000w lights (100cm x 70cm overall dimensions at widest setting)
The Enforcer does not come with a Super spreader as standard but you can add one for an extra cost.
The Avenger reflector comes with the special Adjust-a-Wings Super Spreader as standard. The Super-Spreader spreads excess light and heat proportionally to all areas of the grow room, this creates even light and more harmonious growing conditions throughout the entire grow room. The prismatic surface reflects and redirects light in a selective 4-way pattern for incredible results. Heat can be reduced at plant level by up to 5 degrees, hot spots are eliminated and a wider spread of light is acheived.